Exploring the intersection of culture and kink, CarnalCultureNYC features crowd·sourced information on local and national kink events, as well as relevant articles, bios, essays and advice. The site is currently populating, and will officially launch in September 2023. Meanwhile, we invite you to:

We seek Kink/Alt-Sex related content in the following categories:

  • Events: If you produce an ongoing event in NYC or the region, please tell us all about it!
  • Advice/How-To Articles: particularly by experts in the field (sexologists, therapists, event producers, sex workers, relationships coaches, etc.) Examples of relevant titles: ”Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts When Attending your first Kink Event” , “How To Discuss Non-Monogamy With Your Partner”, “Negotiating A BDSM Scene: A Top And Bonttom’s Guide To Proper Communication”, etc.
  • Personal Essays: articles written from a first person-perspective, based on the author’s unique experiences. Examples of relevant titles: ”Dating A Professional: The Ins And Outs Of Dating A Sex Worker”, “Switch: What I Learned From Being Both A Submissive And A Dominant,” Etc.
  • Op-Eds: Your personal take on headlines, current issues, or cultural events that relate to Alternative sexuality.
  • Eye-Witness & Participant News Reports: Been somewhere, done something, and emerged somehow altered by the experience? We want to hear about it!
  • Kinks: yes, you can share your (thoughtfully and respectfully written) posts about your own kinks, fetishes and experiences.

We would love to write our own article about you and/or your work, particularly if:
  • You are an event organizer with recurring events in NYC or the region.
  • You are a sex worker with a compelling story.
  • You are an artist, a filmmaker, an author or any other producer of alt-sex content who seeks public exposure.
  • You have a newsworthy, Kink/Alt-Sex-related story or information the world needs to know about.

How to be featured: write us a SHORT paragraph (3-5 sentences) describing your work and why it’s interesting. Please include relevant links (to your website, media kit, etc.) and email address.


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